Our aim is to make sure you have a great evening of modern jive tuition with enough freestyle time for you to practice the moves taught in our beginner's and intermediate lessons. Come along any week, no partner needed and join in the fun!

Beginner's Lesson: Four moves will be taught which are taken from the Just Jive Dance Verve beginner's moves check-list. Each move will be taught individually and then we will show you how to put them together to form a routine. Men will be taught how to lead the lady through the dance and ladies will learn how to follow successfully.
The beginner's lesson is followed by a freestyle period where you will have time to practice your new moves to a variety of music style, speeds and rhythms. During this period Jan and a couple of our dedicated crew members will be on hand to help any beginners, one to one, to go through any of the moves they wish to recap.
Intermediate Lesson: Three moves will be taught which are slightly more challenging variations of the beginner's moves. Any necessary footwork/style/safety tips and how to lead and follow will be incorporated into the lesson. Run vt iyr dedicated crew members Gail and Kathryn
Beginner Recap Lesson. Run at the same time as the Intermediate Lesson by our dedicated crew members Gail and Kathryn. It is held in a separate area and is an opportunity for beginner dancers to recap the moves that were taught in the beginner lesson. Beginners get a chance to ask questions and do a little one on one practice to further enhance their new skills.
The rest of the night is free for you to enjoy practicing your moves with Jan, Mike and the other Dance Verve dancers.

empowering you with Verve style…
Members of the UKA (United Kingdom Alliance of Professional Teachers of Dance) and associate members of the LeRoc Modern Jive Federation. Jan is also the secretary of the LeRoc Federation.