June's Intermediate Moves 2013

At Dance Verve we always repeat two moves from the beginners class and one move from the  intermediate class the previous week. This means you can refresh your skills and link them to new moves.  To help you make the transition from beginner to intermediate level, we also try to link at least one of the foundation moves from the beginner’s lesson into the intermediate lesson to make it easier for you.            

We really hope you enjoy Dance Verve moves. Feel free to ask for help whenever you need it. 

If you want to refresh your memory on Dance Verve's recent moves, click on the links below:

See our beginners moves check-list read about how to do our moves>>

Moves 5th June>>

Moves 12th June>>

Moves 19th June 2013>>

Moves 26th June 2013>>

Read about General Pointers in Modern Jive>>

Jan & Mike


© Dance Verve Modern Jive 2013